Since our last post, life in the Tempel house has been anything but uneventful! Swimming lessons continued and were completed July 16th. Gwen learned how to kick in the water (while being held), how to jump off the diving board with assistance, and make a big splash at the end of a water slide. She had a great time in the pool each morning, but I think we both are enjoying the time sleeping in a bit more now :-) Afternoons have been full of playing around in the yard and in the playroom when it is too hot to go outside. We even spent almost a full week in Chicago! It was such a fun trip! Here are just some of the highlights of Gwen's adventures:
"I got you, Daddy!!!!!" Gwen is giving hugs and tickles whenever there is someone who is not expecting them around
"I'm a band!" Gwen thinks that she is the best drummer ever and is drumming on anything and everything...Brad just likes to pretend too
July 10th another Ashley was welcomed to the Ashley Tempel Club!!!!! Now there really is a Triple Threat!
"I love you Auntie A!"
"Check out my moves!" Gwen and Gracie has a blast on the dance floor at the wedding. Getting them to dance wasn't a problem..getting Gwen to stop was.
Little Chefs at work cooking and making deliveries
"Check out the leaf shoes Bubba made me!!!!" We had only been out of the car for about little over an hour and already she was in heaven!
"Splash, Lilly! Just like me!" Auntie Erin took us to a splash park to play and it was so much fun!
Later that evening Lilly and Gwen found a splash park of their own after a great dinner out!

"Watch as I attempt my next trick!"
"Ahhh, I love the pool!" Lilly was definitely enjoying her time at the pool
"Watch me jump!"
"Look out! Here I come!"
"Our very own splash park!"

Another hospital visit?
Yep, Gwen has been battling an ear infection all month (even after getting her tubes put in!) and finally it was time to have the ENT clean some gunk out (with someone so young they have to be put under to do it). We hadn't planned on the hospital visit, but after Gwen's doctor called over, the ENT worked Gwen into his schedule for that afternoon. We went straight from her check up to the surgery center! I'm just so glad that she is sleeping again!!!!!