Gwen is living it up as summer continues! She loves getting into everything, getting dirty, and playing dress up. We mainly have been hanging out at home during the last few weeks of my summer until I start back to work full time. I have started some trainings and I will be getting my rooms set up this coming week (if I haven't said it recently...I am now placed at David Turnham Elementary, Chrisney Elementary, Dale Head Start, and Jasper High School), but I still will have lots of time with Miss Gwen. It will definitely be a big change for both of us! However, I am now so much closer to home that it will make things so much better! Enough are her latest pictures and videos!!!!!!
"It can't just be for pushing around...I can make it a ride-on too!"
"Today I had my first pedicure...which necklace will make my look perfect?"
At a wedding over the weekend for Brad's cousin, Gwen discovered rock candy....
At the same wedding Gwen and her BFF, Gracie, got to run around and play together
"Say Cheese!"
"Now to send a text...."
Gwen recently got a sandbox and we finally set it up. She loves it! She won't pay attention to much besides the sand though....
Gwen in the sand again! She just couldn't get enough!
The slide is also a favorite pass time of Gwen's! She is so independent when she plays!