March 26, 2010

Spring Break 2010!!!!!!

This year for Spring Break, Brad, Gwen, and I headed to Chicago for a visit with the Caseys and McKenzies and for a special birthday party!!!! Bubba turned 60!!!!! We arrived Saturday evening and played with Bubba, Gammy, Erin and Lilly...
"This is so much fun!!!! I love playing with you Lilly!"
"Say cheese Lilly and then hold it--our Mommies take A LOT of pictures!"
"Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top..."

Gwen adopted some babies who used to be Auntie Kelley's. They were getting lots of love and attention Kel! She also discovered the Slinky!!!! With these moves she may be in the next Olympics!
A slinky. A slinky. Everybody loves a slinky! (Or at least watching Gwen play with one)

Sunday we hung out and played with toys and then we had a Bubba and Gwenie Birthday Party!!!!! Gwen was able to get all dolled up in her Birthday dress again and celebrate her birthday again! Bubba was also celebrating his 60th birthday that day!

"Ta-Da!!!! Gwen modeled her Birthday Dress for Godmama Erin
Bubba and Gwenie getting ready for a party!!!! Whose birthday is it????? Bubba and Gwenie's!
"Bubba, go to Cupcake Mountain, Sneezing Snake Lake, and then to Play Park" (Gwen starred in her very own Dora movie!)
My little niece and my big sister!!!
After all the excitement of Sunday, Gwen was ready for some more fun!!!! She started Monday with some Buzz Time...
"What do you see Buzz?"
Then we headed to the store to get a suitable toy for riding. Since last Christmas, Gwen has tried to ride the Fisher Price shopping cart she has at Bubba and Gammy's house. This of course isn't the greatest idea, but that hadn't stopped her yet. So, as a deterrent we wanted to offer a better choice--a car! Now take Daddy to the airport!
"Ready or not, here I come!!!!! This is a whole lot better than the shopping cart!!!"

Tuesday was a lazy day, but a fun one. Wednesday we headed home, driving all by ourselves! Thank goodness for movies and naps!
"What? My hair? You don't like it?"

Now home, we are just hanging out and enjoying the time off. Let's just hope the rain stays away and the sun keeps shining!
"Look what I can do!!!!"
Tonight (Friday) Gwen had her first bowl of soup! She was actually given the liquid part of soup today and she loved it. That bowl was completely empty by the end of dinner! Gwen is definitely feeling better!

March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all our Irish (and non Irish) friends out there! We love you and wish you the best of luck in all you do! Here's a little leprechaun too!
These Irish Eyes are smiling!

March 15, 2010

Surgery Day

Miss Gwen is such a trooper. Today she had PE tubes put in both ears and her adenoids removed. She woke early to get to the hospital, did a great job while there, and is now sleeping on the couch catching another nap. The ENT told me her ears were very bad, lots of thick fluid that shouldn't have been there. But, he removed it and so she should be hearing great! She seems to be a little uncomfortable, but mostly tired. Here are some shots from the day.
Gwen enjoyed some Handy Manny before surgery
Gwen was given some meds to get drowsy before surgery--she's a bit loopy here!
Exhausted after surgery

P.S.--Since all of this was going on, I never did mention that we did go to the doctor for a "well-baby" check up. Gwen went on the 4th and was as healthy as she had been. She looks great besides all the ear and sinus problems. She is 34 inches tall (86%ile) and weighs 26 lbs (61%ile).

March 07, 2010

Party Time!

Today was Gwen's birthday party! We had a cupcake theme and a Cupcake Throwdown! It was a great day and Gwen had a blast!
It's the Birthday Choo Choo!!!!! Gwen loving the train!
Gwen and Grace were begging for more!
The train in action!
I love my Birthday Dress Godmama Erin!
The ultimate Cupcake Throwdown! Entries included: Strawberry Filled pie, Vanilla with Flowers, Red Velvet, S'mores, Funfetti, Bear S'mores, German Chocolate, Chocolate Pudding, and Strawberry Delight.
Blowing out her candles, with only a little help from Mommy
Chowing down like a lady
A horsie!!!! Just one of the many great gifts Gwen received. Thank you to everyone!
And the winners of the Cupcake Throwdown are...Rosanna for Most Creative (Bear S'mores), Danny for Most Delicious (Strawberry Delight), and Natalie for Prettiest (Vanilla with Flowers)!

March 06, 2010

Gwen's 2!!!!!

Gwen has been a busy bee leading up to her birthday. Besides battling yet another ear infection and scheduling surgery to get PE tubes put into her ears and to have her adenoids taken out, she also got to see Disney Playhouse Live!!!! Mickey Mouse and the gang, as well as Handy Manny and Winnie the Pooh!!!!

"Check it out! It's Handy Manny!!!!!!!"
Grace and Gwen couldn't get enough of Manny's tools dancing!
Grace and Gwen dancing their hearts out to the Hot Dog Dance!

This week we celebrated Daddy's birthday on the 4th with dinner at Gram and Poppy's house. Daddy played with his new toy, a Flip camera, all night! Good thing we have a subject to tape that is always looking for an audience!
Happy Birthday Daddy!

Then in the mail Gwen and I received our Passports on the 5th! Mine needed to be renewed and Gwenie needed a brand new one! We are planning a trip to Cayman this summer and wanted to make sure we were ready.
Check out this cutie!!!!! They told her not to smile.

Finally the big birthday arrived! Gwen has been talking about it for weeks, practicing saying she is "2", and singing "Happy Birthday" any chance she gets. This morning we brought her downstairs and after a Birthday call from Auntie Erin and Lilly, Gwen was allowed in the living room.

Here is the play by play of Gwen's 2nd Birthday!!!!!
The initial reaction to the sight of presents...
Checking out the first gift in an attractive Dora bag...
Playing with the Irish Dancing Little People---Fisher Price is Awesome!!!! And so are Gammy and Bubba!!!!
Daddy made Gwen her very own baby cradle. Now I just have to stain it. It turned out great and Gwen loves it!
Gwen was enjoying trying out her new Leapfrog Tag Junior- Now the books read themselves!

Then we cleaning and prepared for tomorrow's party. Later in the evening Gwen and I went to a bridal shower for Natalie (a soon to be cousin) and then to visit Poppy and wish him a Happy Birthday too! While there, Joey couldn't resist giving Gwen her Birthday present.
Never underestimate an Uncle! Joey's gift to Gwen this year...Not one, but two baby bunnies!!!!!! They are too cute, so sweet, and look like mini Meeka's (my old bunny)! You are too good Joey!
Gwen getting acquainted with her new buddies. She has named them Patches (the one on the right-after her favorite Dalmatian movie) and Bolt (the one on the left-after her other favorite Disney movie).
Giving some "Ahhhhs" to Bolt
It's a Bunny Buggy!

Too much Fun!!!!! What a great Birthday!!!!!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Gwen!!!!

Today Gwen turns 2 and I can hardly believe it! How has she gotten to be so big already! We have had a very busy week and will tell you all about it soon. Pictures to come later today, but for now...Happy Birthday Gwen!!!!!!