Miss Gwen is such a trooper. Today she had PE tubes put in both ears and her adenoids removed. She woke early to get to the hospital, did a great job while there, and is now sleeping on the couch catching another nap. The ENT told me her ears were very bad, lots of thick fluid that shouldn't have been there. But, he removed it and so she should be hearing great! She seems to be a little uncomfortable, but mostly tired. Here are some shots from the day.
Gwen enjoyed some Handy Manny before surgery
Gwen was given some meds to get drowsy before surgery--she's a bit loopy here!
Exhausted after surgery
P.S.--Since all of this was going on, I never did mention that we did go to the doctor for a "well-baby" check up. Gwen went on the 4th and was as healthy as she had been. She looks great besides all the ear and sinus problems. She is 34 inches tall (86%ile) and weighs 26 lbs (61%ile).