Gwen has been busy as always. Here are some of the highlights since our last post:
Our Professional Egg Hunter was at work again with Egg Hunt #6 in our backyard. He came to our house about a week late, however he did finally come ;-). With tons of eggs to find, Gwen worked hard to find them all in record time!
"Where did the bunny hide the eggs this time?"
Since Spring is here, that means the grass needs mowed! Gwen volunteered to help too with her bubble mower (I am so excited that they still make those!). She loves it and moves all the grass around her play area!
"I Julie!!!"
Gwen was so proud to mow like her babysitter, Julie. Julie also lives across the street from us and Gwen loves to watch her mow!
When not working/playing outside, we are working/playing inside! This particular afternoon I had Kennedy come play with Gwen so I could mow the yard--Babysitters should be called Lifesavers! Kennedy and Gwen had a great time playing house!
"Look Kennedy! Don't I look great in your shoes!"
Dinner is another time for Gwen likes to show us how cool she is! The other night she picked up a chip and started making sounds like a race car...this is just part of the fun!
"Beep Beep"
Gwen also surprises Gammy and Bubba sometimes! The other night we were playing with play phones (my old cell phones) and chatting away. Gwen grabbed my real cell and started playing with it and talking away...without me realizing she had actually called Gammy!!!!! She talked and talked to Gammy and Bubba for about 15 minutes, before I caught on that she was really on the phone! This isn't the best part of that 15 minutes, but it certainly is funny. Gammy this is what the other end of that call looked like!
"Hello Gammy and Bubba"
Other notes I have taken from this month:
-Gwen is now able to open and close anything with a screw top lid!
-Her ability to tell you want she wants or about something is really taking off, which makes me so excited! Some quotes from her recently include:
"Put sock shoe on Mommy"
"Come on Mommy. Time to go!"
"No Mommy, I'm watching Ferb" (This was when she was watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney and told her it was time for a bath.)
"I hear you Mommy! Come out me!" (This happened last Saturday morning when I just had gotten up and was in the bathroom--Gwen apparently wanted me to open the baby gate on her door)
"Boobie Time!!!!!!" (This is what Gwen is saying now instead of 'Movie Time'--she really is trying to say 'movie' I promise!)
-Gwen knows almost every synonym for "no". One evening we had to run out to get something from the store and Gwen didn't want to go. First, she started fake crying. I told her to stop. Then she started to say, "No, no, no, no". I told her to stop. Then she started to shake her head and say, "uh ah". I told her to stop. Then she started to say, "Nope. Nope." I told her to stop. Then she started to say, "I tired. I tired." I told her to stop. Finally she was quiet and fell asleep. It was actually quite funny!