June 24, 2010

More Cayman!

Since our last post, Gwen continued to amaze us in the pool. She figured out how to swim with her water wings, got a little goofy, and enjoyed the remainder of our vacation.
"Just keep swimming..."
"Just call me Captain Gwen"
"Daddy I'm stuck"
"I am loving this sand!"
"Daddy and I built a great sand castle! It was even big enough to put a chair in!"
"Bubba and Kelley joined me for a splash at the cove!"
"Now where are those crabs..."
"Sponge Bob visits Cayman too!"
"This turtle has a very hard shell"
"Mommy look a the turtles!"
Another wonderful picture taken by Gwen
Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!!
Happy Father's Day Bubba!!!!