August 22, 2010

Bye, Bye Summer

Our summer has officially come to an end, but before it did we took one more trip to Chicago for the weekend. Last week we flew up on Friday morning to hang out with everyone, and to surprise Great Grandma Delores with a birthday party...she won't be 80 until September 15th, so we were definitely able to surprise her!
Happy Birthday Grandma D! Grandma D. and her girls
(Gwen would have been in the picture, but she was off chasing Bubba)
Gwen did make sure to be at the table for chocolate cake!
Saturday's fun included play time with Lilly in the pool
"Splish Splash! Lilly, do it like this!"
Saturday evening, Brad and I got to sneak away for a few hours and attend Cristen's (one of my good friends since middle school) wedding. She looked absolutely gorgeous!
Hinsdale Central Pommers reunited!
Sunday we were able to hang out with Gammy and Kelley for a few hours before catching our flight home. Gwen loves Kelley's dog, Sophie!
"My picture of me, Kelley, and Topie"
All summer Gwen has been noticing the heat and commenting how hot it is. Recently she started quoting a car dealership commercial when discussing the heat. It's too funny because she thinks she is always telling Uncle Don Don!

Since our trip to Chicago, Gwen has gone back to the babysitter's and Gram's houses during the week, and I have gone back to work. It has been quite a change to get used to again! I am just looking forward to Labor Day so we have a nice long weekend!

Gwen's Recent Quotes:
-"Let's need them, Please!!!!!" (Gwen's response to me telling her "We don't need these", referring to necklaces and a few other toys, in the swim bag)
-"It's hot Don Don!" (said whenever the word "hot" is mentioned)
-"It's the Best Ever!" (Gwen will make anything the "best ever": juice, Daddy, Mommy's singing, her best friend Gracie, Pooka name it!)