Gwen did some modeling
And made some fresh fish scale soup. Yummy!
While Gwen took her nap after lunch, we drove out to Lark Ranch! It was our first time at this pumpkin patch, but we can definitely say it won't be our last! We had so much fun! Gwen could stop talking about how much fun she having, and who would be joining us next year (she is already planning that Lilly, Erin, Don Don, Kelley, Gammy, Bubba, Gram, Poppy, Ashley, Joey, Whitney, and Abby are coming). :-)
The sun was so bright, Gwen wouldn't look at the camera
Check out that face! She was so excited to ride a pony again and acted like she was a professional!
There was a little zoo there with chickens, pigs, goats, cows...but Gwen's favorites were Patches' and Bolt's friends--the bunnies!
Gwen even milked a cow!
Who knew tractors had slides?!?!?!
"This one is the best ever!"
We took a hay ride to the pumpkin patch and got to pick out our pumpkins.
Gwen just loved looking for the perfect pumpkin!
Here are the perfect pumpkins! From left to right we have Daddy's, Mommy's and Gwen's. We'll show you later what they become:-)
Gwen on the hay ride back to the main ranch. We had so much fun and hope to make this a family tradition each year!