Gwen just loves being the center of attention. Hope that she doesn't get too jealous of the baby once he gets here! The other night when left to play by herself for a bit, this is what we found her doing...
"Daddy's helmet is perfect for my fire-truck runs!"
She also decided to show us all how great an artist she is...
"My Baby Brother" By Gwen 2/22/2011
(With tracing a bowl, but no help from us)
It may be all about her most of the time, but she already loves her brother and takes care of me when she can. While watching a bit of T.V. tonight she made sure to rub my belly "slowly and softly just like my baby likes it."
A little love from Gwenie
37 weeks!
My doctor's appointment this week went very well. I am now dilated to 3 cm. It was confirmed that he is head down as well. Basically I was told that it wouldn't be a surprise to see me this weekend, but it wouldn't be a surprise if I hold out until the 10th.