Halloween this year was a whole lot of fun! We all tried new things and had a great time in the end.
Check out how Wyatt can now eat his feet! I think he has a thing for feet |
They are learning how to share...Gwen didn't know what to do when I brought the farm out for Wyatt, but she is getting much better about not stealing all the animals and leaving him with the barn. |
Wyatt trying to big like the big boys and wear Daddy's hat...and then play peek-a-boo with it |
We started out as Little Bo Peep and her Lost Sheep, then Gwen decided that was NOT okay and she was going as Princess Gwen (She agreed to wear the Bo Peep dress, but no hat or staff)...Finally we all agreed that Mary had a Little Lamb was okay. |
Such a cute Little Lamb! And he is waving! |
Cinderella (Gracie), Mary (Gwen), and a Little Lamb (Wyatt)...What a bunch! |
Wyatt started out playing by the chest and army crawled to this point in just minutes! Wow, how he changes so quickly! |
Look! Wyatt does look like me!!!!! |
Wyatt can wave!!!!!! (only to Daddy and does he feel special!!!!)
Other Events:
Gwen is on her very first trip without Mom or Dad! She went with Gram to visit Ashley Beth in Arkansas and will be there for 4 days!
Wyatt is eating great! He finally likes the baby food I make, but I have to blend it in the blender and then put it through a strainer! He is up to eating peas, green beans, carrots, bananas, and apples (as of today). :-) Wyatt also is pulling up on his own! He was in his crib and stood up, so we had to move the mattress down...it was bound to happen some time. He is doing really well pulling up and standing, but his knees aren't strong enough to hold him up for long. I am pretty sure he too will be walking by Christmas just like Gwen did!