January 13, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With so much going on throughout the holidays, this morning is the first opportunity I have had to even plug in my camera and download pictures from the last month!!!!!!!  That is horrible I know.  This morning is our 1st 2-hour delay of the year....Gwen is watching cartoons and Wyatt is still sleeping, so I am using this extra time to my advantage!  All the holiday fun won't fit in one blog, so this is the 1st of a few installments :-)  We hope all of you had a happy, healthy, and fun Christmas and New Year!!!!!

Christmas began with a celebration at Gram and Poppy's house on Christmas Eve morning...
Gwen loved showing Wyatt how to open presents 
Wyatt didn't know what to think of the bow situation, but he ended up liking to chew them
Gwen and Poppy were very excited to have more food to cook with in Gwen's kitchen...now Poppy can have more than birthday cake!
Gram loved getting to spend Wyatt's 1st Christmas together
Howdy partner!
Brad was excited for his new bee suit...his new hobby of raising honey bees is scheduled to begin in March when the bees arrive...
A classic picture of Christmas...Gwen could not be separated from her new Barbie airplane all morning!
All fancied up!  Ready for church and more Christmas fun at Grandmother's later that night

No tears this year!!!!!!!!!!!! 
(From Gwen or Wyatt)

Christmas Day fun to come.....