Yes, our little baby boy is one today!!!!! This year, has flown by despite all the excitement and events that Wyatt brought to it. He has been such a blessing to our family!!!! We are so lucky to have witnessed all the firsts he has accomplished already and are so proud of him. He has some big shoes to fill with Gwen being his big sister, but I think he will take the challenge with a huge smile! We love you, Wyatt!!!!!!!
His most recent stats include: height: 29 1/4 inches (26%ile), weight: 21 lbs 7 oz (29%ile), and head circumference: 44 3/4 cm (97%ile)
Get Daddy! My March Birthday Bash! |
I'm 1!!!!! |
and I can't sit still long enough to get more than one good picture |
Birthday monkey cupcakes (the 1 is covering the eyes)--egg free for my baby with the exception of the cookies |
Happy Birthday to me! |
This is mine! I'm watching you Gwen! |
This is interesting.... |
very interesting.... |
I can eat it!?!?!?!? |
No one's stopping me! |
What are you staring at? |
Do I have something on my face? I think I have a better chocolate face than Mommy, Daddy, and Gwen! |
I like my new truck! It makes a lot of noise! |
Happy Birthday Wyatt! |
This week in March is something else! To sum it up MasterCard style:
The number of cupcakes/cakes baked: 72 cupcakes and 1 cake
The number of times "Happy Birthday" has been sung this week: 12+ and still counting (that's a lot for 3 people in my house and 2 not in my house)
The number of pictures taken this week: 298 (between my camera and Carolyn's)
The smiles on Brad's, Gwen's, and Wyatt's faces: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!