September 03, 2012

What were the Tempels up to in May....finally!!!!!!

So, I must be the worst blogger ever if it takes me until September to update everyone on May, June, July, and August!!!!!  Well, I plan to make to up all of you with at least a blog a week until I am caught up!!!!!  :-)  
While in West Lafayette for Joey's graduation from Purdue, Wyatt was so excited he just couldn't sleep!
Check out what landed on our door step!  Gwen and I were so excited to see such a beautiful and HUGE (it was at least 4 inches wide) butterfly....she was a little disappointed to find out later from Daddy that is was a Luna Moth not a butterfly.
Gwen was so hot she was trying anything to make some shade
Gwen started her summer with a butterfly experiment.  She received 3 caterpillars in the mail and was able to watch them grow, build cocoons, and them emerge as beautiful butterflies!
We officially took possession of our land in mid May.  This is the before of where the house will be.
Our lovely trailer and heart pond.  This again is what was....wait for more to see what the site looks like today
Look at that pitiful face!!!!!  Poor Wyatt got Poison Ivy head to toe after spending just a little time at the land
Such a trooper!  Since Wyatt is the youngest case of Poison Ivy at his pediatrician's office, he couldn't get a steroid shot like most people get when they get a rash this bad.  So, he had to have a salt water bath 3x a day and be covered in Cortisone cream to ease the itch.  After a full week, Mr. Wyatt was almost completely cleared up and still as happy as could be!
At the end of May it was time to release the butterflies!!!!!
Watching them leave their nest and saying some words of advice
Mr. Motorboat--
Wyatt wasn't saying many words, but he was a master at making a motor sound
Happy Memorial Day!