December 15, 2012

Our Elf is up to no good!

Since Dory arrived, she has been into everything this year! I don't know what she will do next!  However, she is being good about staying up high away from Wyatt's reach.  Gwen and Wyatt are both so excited for her to be here, and their faces are priceless when they find her and what she has done!
Snow Angels anyone? 
Just a little winter fun since there is no snow here 
The message we found one morning....
While Dory sat up high all innocent looking 
Apparently she felt a little left out that we had decorated the tree
Just hanging around watching 
Trying to be good after all the crazy things she has been doing!
In all this Elf craziness, Brad ended up with the flu--Wyatt tried his best to take care of Daddy
Our house as of yesterday.  The garage floor was poured, the basement walk out wall framed, and the floor beams delivered.  Monday the wall framing materials are to be delivered and an Amish crew of 13 should be arriving to frame it up.  Wednesday the truces are to be delivered and Saturday we are supposed to be ready to put the roof on.  We shall see!