I hope all of you enjoyed Gwen's video...I can't help but laugh when she does!
I heard some interesting things these last couple of days and I thought I would share them with all of you.
First idea: I was talking to someone about Gwen, surprise surprise, and they were asking about how Gwen compares to the norms (for developmental milestones and for height/weight). This then branched into a discussion about what if our doctors, meaning the doctors of us moms or dads, gave us percentiles for our height and weight at every visit just like they do for the babies. Could you imagine? "Well, Ashley, you fall into the 5th percentile for height and about the 75th percentile for weight..." Oh my gosh, I would hate it! So, to all the doctors our there...thank you for stopping that information at pediatrics!
Second idea (again not related to Gwen--sorry): So driving to work this morning, the radio guy was talking about an idea he had to solve the economic crisis, what the president's address last night talked about...etc. I LOVE his idea! I don't understand how he came up with the numbers, and now a few hours later I can't remember the exact numbers he said, but this was the proposal: The government is discussing bailing out AIG and other companies that are going under. AIG's bail out alone is about $83 billion-which the government is going to give them to keep them afloat. Well this guy's idea is that instead of giving the money to AIG, the government should give it to the American public (already liking the idea?) Basically, with $83 billion, the government could give every American citizen 18 and up $400,000! (again I don't know how he came up with this number, but honestly I don't care). Of course the government would put tax on that, so it would come out to only $295,000 per person (about $590,000 per family without including the older kids)--not too bad. This money would solve a lot of the problems. Think about it. With that "free money" we could pay off mortgages, school loans, cars (helping the banks too), the government would make money from taxes, people would spend money (helping the economy grow), with people spending they might buy cars which would increase demand and therefore create jobs....it would be positive ripple effect! And, to top it all off, I am sure people would invest some of that money- which, you guessed it, would help Wall Street! Obviously this guy has some great ideas! If only it could really happen.