That's right, Gwen is half way to a year old! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was sharing the news about being pregnant, but it was a year ago already! I also can't believe that in just 6 months she could learn so much, grow so much, and change our lives so much. I wouldn't have it any other way! To celebrate we put Gwen in a pretty dress (one that I am sad to say will not fit by the time we have another party to go to) and took her monthly picture. She is beautiful! We had a busy day yesterday too because the Dale Fall Fest was going on. There was a parade that went right by our house, we walked over to the park and visited with family and friends, and we even ate pork chops, elephant ears, and lemon shake ups (even Gwen enjoyed them!). I hate to cut this short, but Gwen is about the delete the whole thing, so I have to publish it fast!
"You heard right! I am 6 months old!"
"I like to eat, eat, eat green beans for dinner..."
"My first parade! The Dale Fall Fest is AWESOME!"