As always we are running around like crazy. Between work, doctors visits, name it, we always seem to be on the move. Here are just a couple highlights of the last couple weeks.
Say hello to Baby T! Although we have had 3 ultrasounds already, this one taken on Sept. 9th is the most recent. This was at 13 weeks and already the technician had a prediction as to what gender it is! I am not going to say just yet because I still think it is a bit early to know for sure. We will be finding out, so we will keep you posted. I am feeling better, only a little sick here and there (and usually around dinner time). Now I am mostly just tired. The second trimester has officially began, so I am really hoping to get my energy back soon!
Gwen has been loving the cooler weather we have had on and off. She even has been sporting her very cute hat now and then.
Gwen has been dry for 4 whole days and even pooped on the potty a couple times this week!!!!!! Gram bought her a princess jewelry set complete with a tiara, clip on earrings, a necklace, and a ring that can only be worn if she poops on the potty. Our Potty Princess is very proud of herself. I just hope this continues!
Last week our town celebrated the coming of the fall season with their annual Dale Fall Fest. Dawn and I hosted the Little Mister and Miss Pageant again this year. Here are just some of the contestants that participated in our Pageant. Who would have thought I would be coordinating something like this? Not me! But, it was a lot of fun and I think the kids really enjoyed it!
This is just a funny. These little figurines sit on a shelf in our bedroom next to the "T" that topped our wedding cake. Gwen loves to make them go "sledding" whenever she can.
Excuse the nudity, we were just having too much fun! As a treat for being so good with the potty this week, Gwen earned the surprise of colored bath water! Last night she picked green and was showing off more crazy moves!
Gwen and the craziness of bath time. (Notice she is sporting her awesome orange ear plugs so NO water gets into her ears)
Update on Gwen's ears: Gwen had a follow up visit with the pediatrician yesterday. The right ear looks great, but that left ear can't figure out what it should be doing. The ear canal is clean, but their is thick fluid behind the now healed ear drum. After a surprise visit to the ENT yesterday morning, it was decided that a new tube needs to be placed in the left ear since the other fell out. This surgery will be next Friday. I am keeping my figures tightly crossed that this will end our ear saga!
Gwen's Recent Quotes:
-"Sorry I bump your teeth, Mommy. It's okay, Bubba will fix it." (said after bumping into me with her head. My teeth are fine in case you were worried)
-"No, I'm not good. I'm awesome!" (when asked if she was a good girl while in the car)
-"Pooka, roll over like me." (I guess she was working on tricks with Pooka, but it was too funny to see her rolling on the floor to show Pooka what to do)