March 02, 2011
Counting Down!
Today marks 38 weeks, and what fun we've had already!!!!!!! Monday morning I thought for sure my Baby Boy was making his debut, but I was wrong. Contractions started around 1 am and were 10 minutes apart by 3 am when Brad was getting ready for work. By 5 am when I got up for work they were consistently 5 minutes apart and getting stronger. I arranged for Carolyn to take me to the doctor's office as soon as they opened to check me there before heading to the hospital (I really wanted to make sure this was the real deal!). Contractions were 3 minutes apart for over an hour when Carolyn came to pick me up, but by the time we reached the doctor they had completely stopped! I had maybe 2 contractions the whole 45 minutes I was there hooked up to the monitors! So, my doctor checked me out (I had an appointment scheduled for Monday afternoon), moved my induction up a day to the 9th (apparently my doctor has a date with his wife planned for the 10th), and sent me home. I was dilated a for sure 3 cm on Monday morning and the baby had moved down. I can see it when I look in the mirror, and definitely feel it, but I don't think the picture shows it well. Since Monday....nothing. Maybe a contraction here or there, but mainly nothing. I am not disappointed at all since he would have been early, but I feel bad for having to involve so many people in a false alarm. Thank you so much to Brad, Carolyn, Mom, Dad, Kelley, Ashley, and Angie for all your support and help Monday morning. I just hope that when he really comes we are really prepared since we had a practice run! The countdown is on......will we make it to the 9th?