Where do I begin...Since our last post life has been anything but average. Gwen and Wyatt are getting along well, however Wyatt is continuing to have some issues. He is gaining weight and growing steadily, his appointment on the 26th had him at 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 21 inches and on the 31st he was 8 lbs.! Wyatt's big adventure really took off on Friday March 25th when Auntie Erin, Uncle Don Don, Lilly, and Gammy were on their way down to visit. During an afternoon diaper change, I noticed a line across his belly (that had appeared on Wednesday) had turned purple. This line looks like a spider vein that is 1/2 inch wide that stretches from his left side to his right. The line was initially pink, but this particular afternoon it was violet. Below this line was also purple and bruised looking and was very distended. A call into the pediatrician's office and we had an appointment for first thing Saturday morning. Saturday morning appointment was a surprise. I thought Dr. Kreilein might tell us to start using gas drops and tell me that it was nothing and send me on my way. I was wrong. Not only was she concerned, but she wanted him to go to Indianapolis to Riley Hospital for Children ASAP. She believed there was a an obstruction in his bowel that was causing the distention and possibly all the vomiting. Wyatt was to leave immediately for Indy via ambulance with Brad and I was to follow behind in the car with Gammy. A nasogastric tube was put in to drain Wyatt's stomach and an IV was started to keep him hydrated. Our visitors, including Carolyn, Steve, and Gwen, met us at the hospital to say "hello" and "good bye" and off we went.
After a 2 1/2 hour trip, Wyatt arrived at Riley's ER and the tests started. First an ultrasound and x-rays were done to check for abnormalities and/or Pyloric Stenosis (a narrow opening at the base of the stomach into the intestines). The ultrasound and x-rays were normal. Next a barium study was done to watch for how food would work through his system. Again, everything looked normal. Some reflux was seen during the barium study. Since his stomach was emptied during the ride up, and he wasn't allow to eat over a 24 hour time span, his belly was deflated and back to normal coloring. Wyatt was monitored and then discharged on the afternoon of Monday the 28th. The only changes made was to add rice cereal to my milk and give him a bottle to help with the reflux. Once home things seemed to be okay....or so we thought. As the week progressed, Wyatt started vomiting this entire feedings again, and did not have a dirty diaper. On Thursday (March 31st) we visited Dr. Kreilein and she again wanted us to go back up to Riley for more tests. This time we were able to drive Wyatt ourselves. We arrived to the ER late last night and around 4 am we were back on the surgery floor. This morning Wyatt has had a barium enema and a biopsy of the rectal tissue to determine if he has Hirschsprung's Disease (a portion of the large intestine is developed without nerves to tell stuff to keep moving out). As of this moment, the radiologist said things looked suspicious. However the surgeon we spoke to during the the biopsy felt that this diagnosis was unlikely. The results of the biopsy won't be back until Monday morning, so we may be hanging out here in Indy or may be going home...not sure yet. Please keep Wyatt in your thoughts and prayers so that he can get to feeling better and stay at home.
Some pictures of the last week:
Quick quiz...of the 2 bath pictures, which one is Brad and which one is Wyatt?
Wyatt was 2 weeks old on March 23rd!
Riley stay #1
The little guy was so tired from crying for food, he finally gave up and passed out.
Wyatt is now 3 weeks old!
Riley stay #2
Exhausted after a morning of tests, Wyatt took a good nap