March 07, 2015

Happy Birthday Gwen!!!

Today is Gwen's 7th Birthday!!!
We have another snow day, so for the first time in 2 years Gwen got to celebrate and plan all day at home!
The day started with a craft.. as many of our days have this week.  Auntie Erin and Uncle Don Don gave both of the kiddos a pillowcase to decorate for Christmas--It was the perfect activity for the morning!
The finished Products!!!!

 While they worked on their pillowcases and plays, I set to work decorating the cake.  I haven't been liking any of the store bought frosting lately, so I decided to make my own butter cream (thank goodness for the day off to do it!).  After a long hour of work the masterpiece was completed!
A Frozen birthday cake for Gwen and Poppy
The birthday kids-today Gwen turned 7 and Poppy turned 56
Gwen was so excited to dress the part of Elsa for her Frozen birthday party.  A kid party will be planned for later this month with the Frozen theme as well...

 Tomorrow we celebrate Ashley Beth's Birthday, Sunday is our March birthday party, and Monday is Wyatt's big day when he turns 4!