We celebrated each birthday on its own, we have celebrated all the Tempel birthdays...what could we possibly celebrate now? The Casey March birthdays!!!! Now it is time to celebrate Bubba, Gwen, Wyatt, and Kenneth!
Today was extra special in that Kenneth and Lilly spent most of the day with us! Kenneth came over early to play with Wyatt while Gwen went with Mimi to pick Lilly up from preschool.
The handsome dudes stopped to refuel |
What an awesome surprise for Lilly--not only did Mimi pick her up, but Gwen too! |
Just having a little fun at lunch! |
Once everyone was back at Mimi and Bubba's, the crew set to making an amazing cake for the party. The cake included all ages, the best of Frozen, and a pretty cool seal! |
Let the party begin! |
A very yummy dinner was followed by a very exciting round of candle blowing--everyone got at least a few turns due to some surprise candle blowing attacks! |
Once cut, the cake impressed all with its fabulous colors |
What birthday is complete with out a few presents? Gwen received a kitten for her American Girl |
Wyatt received a power tool...
and he used it to open Kenneth's Lightening McQueen and as many other things as he could |
After a very fun party, everyone settled in for a bedtime story and a good night's sleep (even Kenneth and Lilly)! |