May 07, 2008

I'm 2 months old!

Look at my huge smile!

Guess what? 
I'm 2 months old! I am getting bigger every day too! I now am 22.5 inches long, and weigh 12 lbs. 2 ounces! Amazing how much I have grown, huh? That is what Mommy and Daddy say too! I am doing so much now. I am cooing and telling all sorts of exciting stories (my personal favorite is telling Daddy about my trip to Chicago), I am getting stronger and tolerating tummy time more, and I am smiling like crazy! I am even learning how to play some games like peek-a-boo, patty cake, and where's Mommy. My days are so exciting! I even had some visitors this weekend. Mommy's friends Kiki and Meg came all the way from Chicago to see me! They are so nice. I loved the visit and I think Mommy did too!

Kiki and Me! 

Hello Meg!

This week I started hanging out with Gram while Mommy is at work--Monday was rough but I think she will make it to the end of the year (which was just extended until the May 27th because of snow days). I have fun over here, things are much like when I am home, but I don't have to push Pooka out of my face all day. That's a bonus! I have been looking forward to nighttime when Mommy and Daddy are with me and we play until bed. It's a blast! Here are some fun pictures and a video of what life with 2 month old me is like:
I am a Daddy's girl already!

Look out Michael Flatley...Here comes the Lady of the Dance!

Daddy's pretty ladies!