March 08, 2009

Gwen is 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right!  Our baby is 1 year old!  Unbelievable and amazing at the same time!  We have had a great year and a great party weekend!  Daddy had his birthday on Wednesday, Gwenie and Poppy celebrated on Friday, and Gwenie and Auntie Ashley celebrated on Saturday! Whew, we were busy!  We had lots of fun, lots of guests to party with who brought tons of fun toys and clothes.  Thank you to everyone!  We even had some very special guests--Uncle Joey did it again (somehow topping his Christmas gift of an Ultimate Wagon) by getting Gwen baby ducks!  So cute (and staying at Gram and Poppy's house)!  We love you all and thank you for joining us to celebrate one very very special little girl!
"Mmmmmm!  CAKE!!!!!!!"

"Hi Ducky!"  Gwen petting her ducks with Gracie