March 18, 2009

Fun times with Gwen

Gwen's 1 year check up actually was on her birthday, but I forgot to say hoe it went.  She was wonderful during the visit and is doing great!  She weighs 20 lbs 14 oz ( 30th %ile), she is 29 1/4 inches tall (48th %ile), and her head circumference is 18 1/2 inches (91st %ile).  Yeah Gwen!  Way to be a the best thing in a small package!
I have been holding out on all of you, I know. Here are some videos and pictures from the last couple weeks.
"Happy St. Patrick's Day! Have a lucky leaf-it's not working for me!"
"Pretty flower. I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks"
"Mommy just did my hair...Pooka it's time for your hair appointment..."
"Thanks Grandma D. for my zoo chair! I love it!"
Gwen's first cooking show. Tune in daily from 4-5 pm
Here is your personal invitation to dinner with Gwen! You may need a poncho!
Gwen has finally picked up on the sign language I have been "feeding" her for months!  She now signs "milk", "more", and "eat/food".  Here she is signing "more" for yogurt drops