December 14, 2010

Snow Day!!!!!

Over the weekend, mainly on Sunday, we got our first snow!!!!!! We have had flurries on and off, but nothing that stayed longer than a few hours. About 2 inches fell, but with a concern about ice underneath, school was canceled for Monday :-) Gwen and I thoroughly enjoyed the day together! We slept in until 7 am, watched some cartoons, played outside, made play-dough, ate lunch, napped, and then played some more!
"I think this is the Best Snow Angel Ever!"
Gwen and I attempted to build a snowman, but the snow just wasn't sticky enough
"Whoo Hoo!" Gwen was loving the snow!
After warming up with some hot chocolate, we made our own play-dough and made it smell like an apple pie!
Gwen made numerous cookies and had a blast playing!
Today we are on a 2 hour delay, but Gwen and I still enjoyed our relaxing morning together! Time to head to school!