February 21, 2008

38 week update

I had another doctor's appointment this morning and we aren't much closer to having Baby T arrive then where we were last week. But, he was able to tell me that she is head down (which is a very promising thing) and he estimates her to weigh about 6 1/2-7 lbs. I think she is smaller than that, but he said that his is only a guess--he has a technique to help determine about what the baby weighs but he said it really is difficult to determine with her still inside. He did say that he doesn't think she is itty bitty but not a big baby either--she is just right! I haven't been having many contractions so far this week; just feeling her stretching and pushing mostly. Brad is enjoying that her movements are strong enough to know that it is her and not just me breathing. We both can't wait to meet her, but unfortunately I think we are going to have to keep waiting (although tonight is a full moon...we shall see).