Gwen now has 2 teeth coming in! The other lower front decided it wanted in on the fun and came popping through on sometime Thursday night because it was there Friday morning. According to Gram she was a bit fussy Thursday for her, she was her happy self with us Thursday night) and Friday was a ray of sunshine again...that would bit her typical self. I hope that she continues to just get a bit fussy while teething, instead of everything else she could be doing that I have heard about! Gwen is so close to crawling...she will probably get it any second! She has her legs, but her arms haven't quite figured out that they need to move too. Watch and you'll see:
She is also enjoying her cereal dinners that she has started this week--I think she will be moving right into the self feeding by the way she is acting now. She is determined to do it herself!
Gwen can't wait for Gammy and Gampy (aka Dude) to visit during Labor Day and is planning her other trips out now that I have my schedule. So, we hope to see some of you soon!
I feel this desperate need to chew and I don't know why!
Hahahaha! I went sledding in the laundry basket! Let's do it again!