"I love sledding!!!!!!!!!"
"A little snow blowing here will do the trick!"
"What is better than sledding and playing in the snow? Playing dress up!"
"I give Tangled a big thumbs up!"
We got really brave last night and took Gwen to her 1st movie! We picked Tangled and a 6:30 show...we figured since it has been out for some time it wouldn't be too full and it would keep her attention with all the animals. We were right!!!!!!! (thankfully!) There were 3 families there and Gwen did great the whole time staying quiet and eating her popcorn! She even started brushing her hair like Rupunzel during the movie! So cute!
Other firsts to note:
-Gwen has mastered zipping and unzipping coats and Pjs (footie pajamas no longer stay on as long as they used to once she is awake).
-She also amazed us yesterday with knowing how to unbutton and button a sweater!
-Potty training is going great!!!!!!! She is now about 98% successful with only an accident once in awhile and they usually happen at night. She is even taking herself now! The other day Brad was watching her and she left the room for a bit (he thought to the play room) only to return with her pants around her ankles. She apparently decided she needed to go and came back for help wiping! I just hope this continues when the baby comes!