We are now on snow day #6!!!!!! Today has worked out nicely though...I was able to get my doctor's appointment in before lunch instead of after school! Baby Boy is doing great and right on target! At 32 weeks, my belly is measuring 32 cm, my blood pressure is staying stable (hurray!), I actually went down a 1/2 lb in the last 2 weeks, and Baby's heart rate is a nice 140 bpm! I have started having some contractions, but I have been reassured that everything is fine! I guess with Gwen I just didn't notice and this time I am! Needless to say, all baby items were washed over the weekend and the bag for the hospital is being packed! You never can be too prepared right?
The snow has been falling all day and we are estimated to get 4-6 inches by dinner time! So, Gwen and I will be having more fun later in the snow after her nap! She will be shocked to see that it is still snowing!!!! I am guessing that I will be off again tomorrow (that will mean I will have to work after Memorial Day), but I'm okay with that!!!!!
Fun from Snow Day #5:
Morning Pajama Party with bubbles!!!!!! All Gwen's idea, and so much fun!
I didn't know where she found the bubbles (I had put them away when the weather turned cooler) until later when I saw this in the play room. I had put them up on the top of the shelves between the speakers since I thought we wouldn't be needing them for awhile. Can you picture what happened here?
Everyone came out to play today!!!! We were baby-sitting Pinocchio for Ashley Beth last week and even he was enjoying the freedom of being off leash and the snow!
It's never too cold to swing!
A snowy slide never gets old!