I refused to wake up, but I was celebrating inside!
Another big week in my life has gone by...I am now 3 weeks old and "filling out" as Mommy says. I guess that is a nice way saying I am gaining weigh and baby fat, but I can't help it! I still sleep a lot, but I have been eating a lot too. I am awake more and checking everything out around me. Auntie Erin and Gammy came to stay with us this week to hang out with me and help Mommy out. It was so much fun! I attended my first tea party--they wouldn't let me have any, but I was allowed in the dining room in my swing. We mostly just stayed around the house and everyone took turns cuddling with me. It's a hard life being a baby! It was very sad to see them leave to go home, but we know that they will be back to see us soon. This week my plan is to grow some more and I have a doctors appointment to attend on Monday morning. I will let you know how that goes!
Sleeping beauties